(Re)build Your Run
(Re)build Your Run is designed for those looking to get into running for the first time ever, or those rebuilding their running back up from a long hiatus. You will get three workouts a week of varying distances and design that will guide you in doing this. Week 1 starts with just 5 miles/week and by Week 12, you will be hitting over 12 miles in the week. This can easily be added onto any strength training program you are currently doing and Coach Nicole will be able to help guide you on the best way to do this.
This is a ONE TIME program purchase. You will get all 12-weeks upon purchase programmed into the Train Heroic App where you will also have access to Coach Nicole if you have questions or need assistance with the program.
*Note: If you are postpartum, we recommend starting this program NO SOONER than the 12-week postpartum mark and highly suggest visiting a PFPT before starting.